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D7 API Reference

Direct7 Networks is a messaging service provider that specializes in helping organizations efficiently communicate with their customers. The platform offers a user-friendly API that allows brands to seamlessly integrate and engage with their customers. With Direct7 Networks, organizations can leverage the power of messaging to enhance their customer communication strategies and ensure effective and convenient interactions.

D7 APIs are designed and built on REST interface and the urls arranged with predictable naming for easy understanding.
API endpoints request/response data is in JSON format.


  • Batch processing
  • Scheduling
  • Status Webhooks
  • Higher throughput
  • Requests Validation

Root Endpoint


API request is authenticated using Bearer token, to learn more about authentication visit generate api token


When you interact with D7 API, it communicates the result of your requests using HTTP status codes. These codes provide a standardized way to understand if the request was successful or if there were any errors.

The API server may return the following HTTP response codes:

HTTP response code Description
200 OK Request accepted and processed
400 Bad Request Request denied, invalid parameters, error
402 Payment Required Request rejected, not enough credit to send the request
403 Forbidden Request denied, no access to data
404 Not Found Request denied, unknown request URL
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation error


We provide 24/7 best-in-class support for our customers, via web chat, skype and WhatsApp channels. For more information visit the Contact us section at