Drive More Sales In The Festive Season by Promotional SMS

Discover the effectiveness of SMS in festival season sales and brand promotion. Utilizing SMS for new offers, coupon discounts, gift cards, flash sales, and more can be a powerful strategy


Drive More Sales In The Festive Season by Promotional SMS

The festive season is upon us, making it the ideal time for businesses to interact with both current and potential clients. To foster positive engagement, retailers should have an effective branding strategy to recover their lost revenue.

How can SMS help your business grow during the holiday season?

SMS has a key role in brand communication, especially during festivals. In preparation for the big event, many retailers use tactics such as email marketing, in-store promotions, social media posts, and SMS marketing to advertise and get customers excited about what’s to come.

Elsa was a prospective customer for a well-known online retailer. She was notified via text message of the promotional sale that was going on at the time. She went to the link provided in the SMS. She signed into the website after confirming her identity with an OTP and was persuaded by the offers. She bought the products she liked best. She chose to pay cash upon delivery. An SMS was sent to confirm the order. Within a couple of days, she got the delivery status message. Following an OTP customer verification, she received the package. She appreciated how it was delivered. Additionally, she was asked for feedback on a service survey. The survey was delivered via SMS.

Elsa’s story merely illustrates the function of SMS in the process of a customer making a purchase. During the special sales season, the promotional SMS with a CTA link in this case had a significant impact. It helped the client during an essential stage of the customer journey called awareness.

The promotional SMS are of the following types:

● SMS about Special discounts

● Special reduction sale

● Discount coupons and vouchers

● Flash sales

● New offers and freebies

SMS alerts about your items in your abandoned cart and the best time to buy them with deals.

Why is SMS the most effective method of brand promotion?

Informing customers about a brand's promotions, such as new offers, coupon discounts, gift cards, flash sales, etc., is effective via SMS.

● SMS is a potent marketing channel throughout the year, with a staggering 98% open rate and a reading rate of more than 60% within 5 minutes.

● Since SMS marketing messages are almost instantly delivered, timely notification of promotions is guaranteed.

● Text messages have a wide audience and are a direct method of reaching out to potential clients and customers.

● Text messages are cost-effective.

Here are some top suggestions for the best SMS marketing campaigns to increase sales.

● Make a list of your current clients in advance.

● Make advance plans for your SMS campaigns.

● Pick your content wisely.

● Maintain a brief, focused, and urgent tone in your content.

● Personalize your message

● Employ a call to action

● Send messages at times when customers are most likely to act.

● Offer the first few customers a gift.

● Send a follow-up message

Show appreciation to VIP customers

Increase your sales during this busiest shopping season of the year.

Direct 7 Networks' SMS API brings you a new way to send promotional SMS to your clients.

D7 has an all-new adaptive marketing strategy tool launched in a few countries that is focused on sending promotional messages to the right mobile handsets at the right time.

Marketing is all about conversion, and D7 believes in the mantra of “sending less, converting more."

The D7 SMS API is simple to use and can be integrated into any app. We provide lightning-quick delivery at an affordable price. We offer 24/7 support and coverage all over the world.

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