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Receiving DLR

Configure Report URL

In order to receive message status reports via a URL, two options are available.

  1. You should include Report URL in the message body parameter report_url.
      "messages": [
            "channel": "sms",
            "recipients": ["{{recipient1}}","{{recipient2}}"],
            "content": "Greetings from D7 API",
            "msg_type": "text",
            "data_coding": "text"
      "message_globals": {
        "originator": "SMSInfo",
        "report_url": ""
  2. Set Report URL in dashboard settings Image title

Additionally, it's important to note that this status postback is sent as formData in the POST method.

Receiving Attributes

On the configured URL, you will receive the following details:

Parameter Value / Pattern Example(s)
request_id Request identification number d9835609-a4e0-10ea-a26a-eeafbe700fef
msg_id The message id for each messages in the request 7053a678-75fe-11ed-9e31-0242ac14001c
recipient Destination number +9715765456xx
originator The Sender/Header of a message SMSInfo
status This is the status of the message, and we have the following statuses: [delivered - Delivered to destination and confirmed], [sent - Was sent to telecom and is awaiting acknowledgement], [scheduled - Message scheduled], [un_delivered - Failed delivery] delivered

In order to acknowledge DLR receipt, the receiving end point must reply back a HTTP 200 OK .


   "request_id": "d9835609-a4e0-10ea-a26a-eeafbe700fef",
   "msg_id": "d9835609-a4e0-10ea-a26a-eeafbe700fef",
   "recipient": "+9715765456xx",
   "originator": "SMSInfo",
   "status": "sent"