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Get Started with D7 Whatsapp Messaging API:

Signup to D7 Platform

  • Your D7 account will be active after the verification
  • If you are interested in using our WhatsApp Messaging API, Add your whatsapp number here.
  • You can also create your own template to test the WhatsApp Messaging API. Then test it through "Integrate API" section in "Getting Started" page.


Using D7 Whatsapp Messages API you can:

  • Send and receive Whatsapp Message.
  • Receive http callbacks for delivery notification (receipts) when Whatsapp Message is received (or not).
  • Check status of messages using separate endpoint.
  • Create your own Whatsapp message templates.
  • Define HTTP call-backs that are triggered by specific events.

    There are two types of events.

    • Delivery events - Delivery events occurs when the status of the messages sent via WhatsApp get updated. the status can be, queued, sent, delivered, read, dropped etc.
    • User initiated events - User initiated events occurs when the user sent messages, such as text, image, document etc. to the brand.

Before You Start

WhatsApp requires that business-initiated notifications sent by your application be templated and pre-registered, with exception of messages sent as a reply to a user initiated message. So you need to register your business account and also need to create a valid template.

  • After finishing the signup process. Come to Whatsapp getting started section and follow the steps.

  • After successful on-boarding of your whatsapp number, you can create template to test message from your registered number. You can also create more templates here.

    Note: We support, only template type messages for testing.

Features supported by this API

We support sending:

  • One to One, Many to Many and One to Many messages to WhatsApp.
  • Messages with following contents: Text, Image, Audio, Video, Sticker, Document with or without Buttons (Quick reply, calls to action and copy code)
  • Location messages
  • Contact messages
  • Limited time offer and carousel templated messages.
  • Authentication messages.
  • scheduled messages


Path Method Description
To send free-form or templated whatsapp messages
To get the status of whatsapp message